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Gaming in the cloud
We cannot use cloud only for storing massive amounts of data or hosting new applications. Since some time, we can also do gaming in the cloud. There are several services, some have also been already shut down. But some have been around for quite some time and also deliver a good service. I will introduce…
Joseph Henrich – The weirdest people in the world
I want to talk about a book I liked a lot because it tries to explain how our western countries work and also a little why the west has certain features that are different from other places. The question is: why did the west become the place where the modern nation state was born and…
State of AI for cloud
This is a review on the report of state of AI that is published once a year. Since it is time of year reviews, this fits perfectly. I want to discuss a little about the developments in this report about cloud. First, we see the emergence of new cloud providers that focus on GPU-based cloud.…
I finished my PhD
It is done. I finished my PhD. You can find my thesis at the server of University of Hildesheim and my defense presentation on Youtube.
Large computers – small computers – no computers?
Our computers are getting smaller and smaller. I lately observed a discussion where people discussed whether they still needed a notebook or tablet because their phone was all they needed for their digital life. I think this is really interesting. When I started with computers, they were heavy machines split up into tower, monitor, keyboard…
Some of you might know our project about school archives. This catalogues historical sources about schools and helps researchers to find these sources easier. One big problem we came across when building this platform was the effort to collect basic information about a school. This is very time-consuming (there are more than 1000 schools in…