Thanks for your interest in my work. On this page I want to describe in detail some of the projects I worked in. You can find all my publications and scientific work at ORCID: 0000-0003-3417-9486, my Wikidata ID is Q100466271. Here are some of my projects:
- Semantic CorA – a virtual research environment based on Semantic Media Wiki. Basically the basis of most of the projects
- QualiCO – an ontology for qualitative coding schemas. I created this ontology during my PhD. The ontology helps to make qualitative research more transparent and can be seen as the start of a research knowledge graph in qualitative research. You can find more details and publications on Github.
- Interlinking Pictura – a citizen science project with the amazing pictures of the “Bilderbuch für Kinder” by Friedrich Justin Bertuch from the beginning of the nineteenth century.
- Schularchive – a wiki where researchers and school archivists can share the location of historical sources in schools. We modelled the structure of schools and sources about schools as a graph-based structure. I also developed two extensions to support this wiki: WikidataShow to reuse data from Wikidata and GNDShow to reuse data from the German National Library. With this project I was awarded fellow for free knowledge funded by Wikimedia Germany.
- VRE Objective Hermeneutics – a virtual research environment for the method objective hermeneutics. You can find the MediaWiki extension on Github.
- Open Data for educational research – In this project we analyzed the quality of governmental open data portals. The focus was on the potentials of this data for educational research. You can find a summary of the paper in my blog.
- WikidataShow: an extension for MediaWiki that shows information from Wikidata in MediaWiki pages. We use it at the project Schularchive to display pictures and links to other projects like Wikipedia
- GNDShow: an extension for MediaWiki that shows information from the German National library.
Talks without publications
Lorenz, Marco; Hocker, Julian; Scholz, Joachim: Das Schularchive-Wiki. Workshop Digital Turn und Historische Bildungsforschung, 2021,
Hocker, Julian: Etablierung des Schularchive- Wikis in der Fachgemeinschaft: Open Science in der Quellenrecherche. Final presentation of Fellow program “Free Knowledge” by Wikimedia Germany., 2021
Hocker, Julian; Keller, Carolin; Weimer, Verena und Rittberger, Marc:
Transformation ins Digitale. Workshop Digitale Lehre in der Informationswissenschaft, 2020.
Veja, Cornelia; Hocker, Julian und Schindler, Christoph:
A Semantic MediaWiki Referatory for qualitative Research Software, Workflows and Projects: 16th Semantic MediaWiki Conference (SMWCon Fall 2019).
Hocker, Julian: Overview of the technical communication program at University of Applied Sciences, Karlsruhe: Great Plains Alliance for Computers and Writing conference (GPACW). , S. Mankato, USA
Hocker, Julian: Semantic Wiki – Technologien für die Bildungsforschung: DGI-Forum Wittenberg 2019, Wittenberg
Veja, Cornelia und Hocker, Julian:
A Citizen Science Approach for a SMW-based eHumanities Project. Presentation at 15th Semantic MediaWiki Conference 2018 (SMWCon).
Schindler, Christoph; Kminek, Helge; Meier, Michael und Hocker, Julian:
Virtuelle Forschungsumgebung für die Objektive Hermeneutik. Workshop Qualitative Forschungsmethoden online lernen. , S. Essen
Veja, Cornelia; Hocker, Julian und Schindler, Christoph:
SMW based VREs for eHumanities, Social Science and Education: SMW Con Fall 2017, Rotterdam.,_Education_and_Social_Science