Category: Summaries

  • Semantic Web Technologies – Knowledge Engineering

    Summary of week sic for the course Knowledge Engineering with Semantic Web Technologies 2015 by Harald Sack at OpenHPI. Linked Data Engineering In general it is difficult to get data, because it is distributed into different databases and you need different APIs to get the data -> data islands. Applying semantic web technologies allows you…

  • Semantic Web Technologies – Ontological Engineering

    Summary of week five for the course Knowledge Engineering with Semantic Web Technologies 2015 by Harald Sack at OpenHPI. Ontology Engineering Pyramid for knowledge management: Data: raw data, facts about event Information: a message to change the receiver’s perception Knowledge: experience, context, information + semantics Wisdom: application of knowledge in context In general it makes…

  • Artificial Intelligence – Breadth-First and Depth-First-Search

    Summary of week one of the MOOC Artificial intelligence at edx. The lecture deals with artificial intelligence, which means in this context, that we want to program computers that act logically, we do not want them to act like humans and we also do not want to build an artificial brain to understand how human…

  • Semantic Web Technologies – RDF

    Summary of week one for the course Knowledge Engineering with Semantic Web Technologies 2015 by Harald Sack at OpenHPI. The first week covers the basic principles of the technologies for the semantic web, especially RDF, which is one of the languages you can use for encoding information semantically. The basic principle behind the technologies are…