Together with some collegues I recently published a paper about the use of a vritual research environment for teaching the qualitative method objective hermeneutics. It is a follow-up of the paper SMW Based VRE for Addressing Multi-Layered Data Analysis my collegues did in 2017 where they presented the virtual reserach environment (VRE) and anticipated use cases. This time we evaluate the usage of the VRE. We did this using questionnaires for the students working with the VRE. We see the main potential in the guidance of students through the research process as well as in the tracing of the research, which also connects to principles of open science. The paper also discusses the pedagogical boundaries of this work since students mentioned being more distracted while from working from home than meeting in personal. The analysis was done pre-corona, so this might have changed now.
I also think this research is quite interesting when considering that a lot of teaching is done online now. If you want to try out the VRE, please contact me.