Category: General
I finished my PhD
It is done. I finished my PhD. You can find my thesis at the server of University of Hildesheim and my defense presentation on Youtube.
Reflections on my PhD
In this post I want to write down what I learned during my PhD and what might help you too. It is my opinion on the stuff, but I used all of the techniques I described and they helped me. I split this up into four parts: Before you start, finding a supervisor, writing and…
Free as in freedom
This week Mozilla laid off one third of their workers. This (sadly) supports the claim that tech is right now not really capable of maintaining non-profit structures for their main services. Free software works quite well for backend, but not really for frontend. I just stumbled upon this interesting piece of a guy who used…
Sustainable Software
When we are talking about free software, the point is often that this is more sustainable than proprietary software because everyone can edit the code and even if your company goes bankrupt someone else can take over and go on coding. Actually, in many open source projects there is only one person doing most of…
Personal state of linux
In this post, I want to give an overview over the linux distributions I am using right now and why I use them. I am since quite a lot of time using Xubuntu on every computer that is a little bit older or has limited resources. Xubuntu is fast, easy to install and uses litle…