Tag: Semantic MediaWiki

  • WikidataShow

    Some of you might know our project about school archives. This catalogues historical sources about schools and helps researchers to find these sources easier. One big problem we came across when building this platform was the effort to collect basic information about a school. This is very time-consuming (there are more than 1000 schools in…

  • Semantic MediaWiki Conference (SMWCon) 2018



    Semantic Media Wiki Conference (SMWCon) 2018 took place in Regensburg. In this post, I highlight some of the talks I liked or where I want to share my opinion on. Sorry if I did not talk about yours. This is no critique, rather due to my limited time ;)) The first day was all about…

  • Semantic MediaWiki Conference (SMWCon) Fall 2017

    Last week there was the SMWCon, the european conference on Semantic MediaWiki. It was held in Rotterdam. Our venue was directly in the Zoo in the middle of the aquarium. So we could watch sharks and turtles during the talks!! But there were also very interesting talks. The information to most of the talks you…